
Emma is te zien in een nieuwe promotiecampagne voor Prada die geschoten is in de Zwitserse Alphen.

Galerij Links:
http//: Stéphanie Maffezzoli {Prada}

Er is een nieuwe foto verschenen van Emma’s promotiecampagne voor Prada uit 2022 en de promotiecampagne voor Renais Gin.

Galerij Links:
http//: Harley Weir {Prada}
http//: Hollie Fernando {Renais}

Er is een nieuwe foto verschenen van Emma’s promotiecampagne voor Prada uit 2022.

Galerij Links:
http//: Harley Weir {Prada}

Er zijn enkele nieuwe fotoshoots en outtakes verschenen!

Galerij Links:
http//: 2023 > Mack Breeden
http//: 2024 > Mack Breeden
http//: 2024 > Rich Stapleton

Mogelijk is Emma de nieuwe Summer Stella Girl voor het designmerk Stella McCartney. In onderstaande post wordt een preview geplaatst met daarbij de beschrijving dat de degene een acteur en activist is. Edit: Het bleek uiteindelijk model Cara Delevingne te zijn 🙂

Emma is te zien in de nieuwe campagne van het modemerk van Prada, hiervoor is een dames en herenlijn dat gemaakt is van plastic dat is opgehaald uit o.a. de oceaan als onderdeel van de duurzame campangne Sea Beyond. De promotiecampagne is door fotograaf Willy van der Perre en ook de Britse acteur Benedict Cumberbatch stond model.

Responsibility is action: circularity and sustainability are at the heart of Prada’s ground-breaking Re-Nylon Collection, made with regenerated nylon created through the recycling and purification of plastic collected from the ocean, landfills, and textile fiber waste from all over the world.

The Prada Re-Nylon Collection supports SEA BEYOND, the educational program launched in 2019 by Prada Group and UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC).

Actor and activist Emma Watson joins the campaign photographed by Willy Vanderperre.
Discover more via link in bio.

#EmmaWatson @willyvanderperre

Galerij Links:
http//: Willy van der Perre {Prada}

Emma siert de cover van de januari 2024 editie van de Britse Vogue met een nieuwe fotoshoot en interview. Edit: Inmiddels zijn enkele outtakes vervangen voor HQ versies en scans van het tijdschrift toegevoegd.

Galerij Links:
http//: Charlotte Wales (Vogue UK)
http//: Januari 2024: Vogue (Groot-Britanie)

Emma Watson On Eco-Conscious Fashion, Stepping Back From Acting & Becoming A Dog Mum
As Emma Watson – a champion of sustainability since child stardom – embarks on a personal and professional reset, she tells Emily Chan why the environment remains front and centre in her mission.

“Oh, my God, where have these been all day?” squeals Emma Watson, who has just spotted a massive jar of retro sweets in the corner of the east London studio we’re in. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen someone more excited, but then it is 8pm on a cold November night and after a long day on set it’s little wonder that the 33-year-old is in need of a sugar boost.

Her energy levels may be flagging, but Watson certainly knows how to turn it on when she needs to – unsurprising, really, given that she’s been in front of the camera practically her whole life. “You’re the one who’s been covering all my sustainable stuff,” the actor enthuses post shoot, as we settle down on a sofa for our conversation. “[You’re] the person who’s been, like, actually noticing all these weird things I’ve been doing for years.”

She is correct, although weird isn’t the word I would use to describe Watson’s avid support of eco-conscious fashion. Trend-setting, yes, even pioneering: way back in 2009, when Watson was just 19 years old and the word “sustainable” was barely part of our collective mainstream vocabulary, she had collaborated on a collection with fair trade brand People Tree. Later, on the red carpet, she wore archival and repurposed looks long before the current trend took off. Take the 2016 Met Gala, for example, where she sported a Calvin Klein gown made of recycled plastic bottles. On the Beauty and the Beast press tour the following year, she documented her planet-friendly looks via a dedicated Instagram account, listing the green credentials and endeavours of every brand she wore, while behind the scenes she worked with costume designer Jacqueline Durran to ensure the looks she wore on-screen were also made with the same ethos in mind. More recently, she sat on Gucci-owner Kering’s board of directors, as chair of its sustainability committee, and has championed a new crop of eco-minded designers, such as Harris Reed.
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Emma heeft samen met haar broer Alex een interview en fotoshoot gehad met de Financial Times ter promotie van de lancering van hun ginmerk Renais. In het interview is ze ook openhartig over haar keuzen om te tijdelijk te stoppen met acteren. Hierover gaf ze aan het voornamelijk moeite had mee te werken aan filmprojecten waarin ze zelf geen creatieve inbreng kon hebben. Ook geeft ze aan weer open te staan voor een nieuwe project wanneer het de juiste optie is.

Galerij Links:
http//: Rich Stapleton {Financial Times}

To call Emma Watson’s father an oenophile would be undercooking it. “He’s a mega-nerd,” says Emma over a long lunch last September, with a bias towards regional classics, at Bistrot des Grands Crus in Chablis. 

“I prefer to say I’m passionate,” Chris replies, taking the measure of a glass of local red. “But I am a mega-nerd.” Chris Watson loves France, and the French. More specifically, he loves rural Burgundy, in the eastern-central part of the country, and especially Chablis, the small Burgundian town famous for its white wine. 

But the Watsons are in France, en famille, to toast a new venture: the launch of a gin, the brainchild of Alex Watson, Emma’s younger brother, who until recently was an executive in the drinks industry. It’s called Renais, or “rebirth”, pronounced like “Renée”. And, uniquely for a gin, it is as much French as it is English, just as the Watsons feel themselves to be. 

“What I really love is the culture here of the harvest,” says Emma. “I like the rituals around it and the history and the connection with the people here”

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